About us

More than 250 scientists research and teach at Leibniz Universität Hannover at over 15 institutes in the field of interdisciplinary energy research. We support society, business and politics in the transformation of the energy supply towards a sustainable and resilient energy system. We are working on innovative solutions for the provision of energy from renewable sources, its integration into the energy system and its use in mobility, the heating sector and industry. With this, we want to contribute to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 7 - Availability of affordable and clean energy and No. 13 - Climate action.


Our work focuses on the further development of selected technologies and components for the conversion, storage, transportation and use of energy, as well as on work that looks at the systemic relationships and interaction with the environment and society.

Studies & Knowledge

We pass on our knowledge: in our degree courses and lectures related to energy research, as part of further training and in lecture and event series for the interested public.

News, Events & further information

Current information on energy research topics, teaching and events can be found here. We offer interested parties an overview of the latest activities as well as exciting insights into teaching and research projects.

Social Media

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